Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Using 3D Animation -3D modeling in the classroom with Autodesk 123 D Design and MakerBot printer

These are examples of what my students have done using other does one to 3D design.  They virtually taught themselves how to use this software package and the laptops we used only had two gigs of RAM and we're not really built for 3D applications. Plus often they had to wait for school systems network to allow them to access the images they had on the cloud.

Yet they were able to create some really incredible 3-D models. The thing about the younger generation is they are not intimidated or get frustrated by using computers to to create things. They have been using computers, cell phones etc. since a very young age and so they can easily adapt to any program there given.

We are now going to print these models on our makerbot 3D printer. This was an application we did not have we started using one to 3-D design at the start of the school year.  With this application hasn't created some incredible desire to learn how to use the 3-D modeling with any of the Autodesk software packages we are now using.

This will allow me to now incorporate higher and 3D packages such as Autodesk Maya into my classroom for the interest is already been generated by using the one to 3-D applications. I want to incorporate STEAM into all of my classes and also use common core applications to get my students college ready and job ready.

By mastering 3-D modeling and animation this will give my students a possible career path as they go through both high school and college. The job applications in business for these two subjects will be endless

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