Seventh- Eight-grade students building their own video game from start to scratch
After teaching my 3D animation and video game design and programming class for two years I decided this year the part of my class the students are really interested in is making their own video games. While they enjoy making 3D animation and models you can only play so many animations and do things with them.
On the other hand if you make a video game you can play it and send it to others. And I've spent about 500 hours working on my video game packages. So now my students in the last two weeks are making their own 3D model of a room in Autodesk Maya 2016, extruding it, bring it into Unity3D, adding physics to it, and then making their own video game
And this last week I figured out how they can then publish and send their game to other people, and then also we are going to add a shooter gun and start making her own shooter games this next week.
The images below show the sequence we followed and making our own room and then making a game you could walk and run through in it.
Next week we start writing our own programs to make our shooter perform. So we will be learning computer programming also

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