Friday, April 4, 2014

3D modeling and printing in my 
seventh grade class

We have got our new Makerbot 3D printer up and running like a champ.

My Students are now creating 3D models ausing Autodesk 123 design we are printing them each day.  We have tried a wide variety of shapes and patterns in our models and then printed them to see how they turn out

The picture is of model of the 3D vase  which could hold flowers or be used as a drinking cup.  It was created by A eighth grade student. 

We are going to start with Autodesk Inventor soon because I want my students to start  using mathematical calculations in the models they design.  This will start them to acquire the skills they need for career and 3D modeling and design.

That is my interpretation of the new focus on common core. The focus is on college and career ready. Teach my students specific skills they can then be applied to the workplace.  I have a Masters degree in business from USC and over 30 years in private industry experience I intend to apply that to my teaching to get my students ready for the career marketplace.

I have over 20 years experience selling 3D animation hardware and software. I'm going to apply that to my teaching for my new Digital Arts program. 

Next year I intend to hit the ground running with my new program. We are going to start with Autodesk 123Dapp, Inventor and then working our way up to Maya. We will be working on 3D animation, 3D modeling and then on to computer programming.